Fall Risk Calculator

Enter your Average Daily Census and we'll calculate the total cost.

Enter Average Daily Census

Falls per 1,000 Patient Days
Falls With Injury per 1,000 Patient Days
Falls per Day
Falls per Year
Cost/Fall With Injury
Falls With Injury per Day
Falls With Injury per Year
Total Daily Cost Using Fall Rate

Patients Needing A Sitter
Avg Hourly Wage/Sitter
Total Daily Sitter Cost

Total Costs

Total Daily Cost of Inaction
Total Annual Cost of Inaction

*Calculations are determined by your average daily census and national statistical averages. For questions or more detailed information about your cost of inaction, please contact Palarum.

1 Spetz, J., Brown, DS., and Aydin, C., (2015) The economics of preventing hospital falls. The Journal of Nursing Administration. 45(1):50-57.

2 The Joint Commission: Facts about the preventing falls project. https://www.centerfortransforminghealthcare.org/assets/4/6/CTH_Prev_Falls_Fact_Sheet082316.pdf accessed 3/7/18